Sunday, October 22, 2017

Totino's Pizza Rolls on Snapchat

The current ad presence of Totino's Pizza Rolls on Snapchat has me genuinely cracking up every single time I see it, and I would be very surprised if I was alone in that! The short ad commercial shows a man who has just poured out an entire bag of pizza rolls onto a pan. He is just about to open another bag when a friend says, "Dude, the serving size is 6 rolls!" The man quickly responds with an emotional, "WHAT THE ****!" The ad leaves it up to the imagination of the viewer to finish the sentence.

With this ad, Totino's masters using humor in a way that still aligns with their brand. It's a very simple message that the Snapchat audience relates to on a nearly spiritual level...


With a young audience dominating Snapchat, Totino's has a lot of potential to reach an important portion of their target market, and I think they capitalized on that by truly understanding the sense of humor of high school and college-aged kids who can resonate with the man who wants to eat two bags of pizza rolls in one sitting.

Ads can be irritating- popping up in the middle of the content you're actually trying to watch, but I find myself oddly anticipating the next time I'll get to see that Totino's commercial.


  1. Great post Abby. I find it hilarious as well! Mostly because my friends and I once ate 120 pizza rolls in one night. The pizza roll binge was not my proudest accomplishment, however, my friend Ian posted on Facebook bragging about the feat. Although the commercial may seem like a trivial attempt to motivate consumers to buy more Totino's, there is probably a lot of research behind the commercial. Totino's probably tracked consumer habits and realized that most people enjoyed eating more than one serving. The commercial probably served to make Totino's consumers more comfortable with eating more, regardless of the serving size. Great post!

  2. Hey, Abby! Thank you so much for the insightful post. I have not seen this specific ad on Snapchat, but I would love to hopefully one day get a chance to see it. I would question how Tostino's knows if these ads had any return or traction? Maybe kids could share the ad or have more engagement pattern with the ad?

  3. Hey, Abby! Love the topic of your post. I especially like your comment "I find myself oddly anticipating the next time I'll get to see that Totino's commercial." When you begin to look forward to an advertisement, it really goes to show how well a company is doing with their content. I think it is not only important to have engaging content but also having content that does not loose sight of the brand. In this case, I really believe that Totino's Pizza Rolls does both!

  4. Awesome post, Abby! I find it interesting when brands decide to hop on the snapchat train! I anticipate that is must take a lot of deliberating since we learned that most brands tend to stick to Facebook since thats where the buying power mostly is (moms with money to buy groceries lol ) I wonder if their snapchat move has brought on anymore consumers! I hope to also come across this ad to get a good laugh! If you can evoke emotions you have a better chance at reaching your audience! Great job!

  5. Great blog post! I haven't seen the Totino's pizza roll ad on Snapchat yet, but I will be on the look out for it! I agree that Totino's knows their target audience very well, and that is apparent by the way they designed their commercial. It is a huge success when a company can get viewers looking forward to their commercial instead of being frustrated by the advertising interruption. I think humor is a huge factor in the brand truly capturing the consumers attention in such a great way.

  6. Love this post--now I am definitely going to pay more attention to Totino's ads. You are definitely right about most ads being irritating. I think in this case, Totino's does a wonderful job actually making their ads enjoyable and therefore keeping up a positive relationship with their customers. Using humor in ads targeted towards a 16-24 demographic is spot on because that's exactly what millennials want to see on snapchat.

  7. It is so good to hear that the food I loved as a kid is doing so well in the digital space. I would have never imagined Totino's having a social presence. They appear to be doing a wonderful job by targeting their younger audience. I definitely need to give them a follow on Snapchat now that I have read this article! Love it!

  8. Love this post! I've never actually seen this Totino's Pizza Rolls ad but I can only imagine how ridiculous it is! But for their target market, this is the perfect ad: cheesy and fun. At least they made the ad memorable for you! I usually skip through ads that pop up on Snapchat, but now I'm definitely going to be on the lookout for a Totino's ad!

  9. This post made me laugh because I can relate to this so well. I love pizza rolls and I can't think of a time when I only ate 6 pizza rolls or less whenever I do on the rare occasion eat them. This is a great marketing strategy for them firstly because they use Snapchat as one of their platforms. The majority of pizza roll consumers tend to be kids and young adults and the majority of these ages use Snapchat frequently. It is also advantageous for them because they used a humorous ad to engage their viewers instead of trying to hard-sell their product. Great post!

  10. This is great! I've been buying pizza rolls for years, and I still get them to this day. When I first got them, I would always only make 6 and then realize that 6 was definitely never enough. I love this ad because it's so incredibly relatable! It's not even like the ad is being forced since it's short and humorous!

  11. I love when brands are able to almost poke fun at themselves like this example! It makes me want to buy their products even more. I love pizza rolls, and can totally relate to the principle of eating way more than 6 at a time. It's great that Totino's marketing team is listening to their consumers, and making advertisements that are relatable!
